How to Stand out as a Senior Analyst

What does your CV need to say about you so a hiring manager or talent acquisition team select you for interview?

What achievements and background will position you at the right level of seniority and ensure you are taken seriously?

Kate shares her thoughts

Standing Out as a Leader in Data

If you’re applying for a Head of / Director of Analytics level role, how should you compile your CV for maximum impact to secure an interview?

With 14 years as a specialist recruiter in the Data & Analytics space, Kate shares her thoughts on what you should ensure you cover.

How to Stand Out as a Junior Analyst

Analytics is highly competitive and with little or no experience behind you how can you ensure your CV stands out in a crowd of other applications?

Kate has been recruiting as a specialist in this sector for 14 years so is well placed to share her thoughts on what clients are looking for when hiring a Junior Analyst.

7 Top Tips to Beat ATS Systems

Applying for jobs has always had the potential to be stressful.

With application rates at an all time high right now with the Corona Virus situation, how can you ensure your CV is at the top of the pile when its being assessed by an Applicant Tracking System instead of a human being?

Here Colin Doree shares some tips to help your maximise your chances of standing out from the crowd at CV submission stage.

Handling Low Ball Offers

You’ve smashed the interview and they’ve made an offer, but it’s lower than you expected and hoped for. What should your next move be, especially in the current climate?

Colin Doree, the Head of our Marketing Division, shares his thoughts on why clients might be employing this strategy and how you can position yourself to minimise the chance of it happening, and handle it when it does.

What Makes a Good CV?

Your CV is your gateway to interviews and you only have a few seconds to make an impression.

Here Kate McDermott discusses common mistakes and what improvements you might want to make to yours to ensure maximum impact and get you in front of that hiring manager.

Moving from Analyst to Data Scientist

Kate McDermott, who has specialised in Analytics, Data Science & Data Strategy recruitment for more than 15 years gives her advice on how to make that leap from Analyst to Data Scientist.

Covering what those titles mean to different businesses and ensuring your profile aligns correctly to one or the other, as well as understanding how your individual strengths and weaknesses might make the move easier.

How to Write a Great Graduate CV

Aimed at grads hoping to break into the Data Analytics industry, but many of the tips hold true for other sectors.

This is something we get asked about a great deal. Graduate programmes are frequently swamped with applications so how do you make sure your CV gets noticed?

What are employers looking for, and what steps can you take even before you graduate to be able to demonstrate these traits and competencies?

Tips for Job Seekers Right Now

Here Colin Doree, Managing Consultant in our Marketing division shares his market insights and thoughts on looking for a new position as we move through these uncharted waters. They are relevant outside the marketing sector too. If you’re searching for a new job during this pandemic this is worth a watch.

He’s covered a few topics including:

  • Uplift on application rates and what we’re seeing in general 
  • How firms are hiring right now
  • Job boards – things to be mindful of to ensure you’re not wasting your time – plus a couple of boards he’d recommend having a look at
  • The ATS system, and short cutting the process to improve your chances when applying to end brands

It was his first ever vlog so please excuse the amateur nature!

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